Centrifuges are primarily used for testing liquids in medical and clinical research, but have additional applications in other industries including waste management and food processing. Labnet centrifuges offer a wide range of settings to choose from. Select your centrifuge by rpms (our centrifuge speeds range from 2,500 to 30,000rpms), gravitational force, and tube sizes ranging from 0.2mL to 500 mL. You can also select from a variety of rotor types including swing out, fixed angle, or microplate rotor. And with our range of refrigerated, non-refrigerated, digital, and analog centrifuges it’s easy to find the product that is perfectly suited to your application.
Mini Centrifuges are designed to be compact and to provide an exceptionally small footprint. They are ideal for microfilter cell separation and high performance liquid chromatography samples.
Micro Centrifuges combine versatility with a small footprint for convenience and ease of use. Microcentrifuges are ideal for applications such as pelleting nucleic acids or proteins from solutions.
Compact Centrifuges are ideal for clinical research applications including the quick production of platelet poor plasma (PPP) and platelet rich plasma (PRP).
Universal and High Performance Centrifuges are ideal for a wide range of applications across most research areas.
Filtration Centrifuges are ideal for filtration or solid/liquid sedimentation and decantation.
Labnet International also provides a range of rotors and rotor accessories.
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